The 2023 "All Hands" ship's reunion will take place in October 2023 at the Branson Stone Castle Hotel and Conference Center. The dates are October 23-27, 2023.
Call 417-335-4700 to make your reservation. The hotel will honor the reunion rate three days before and three days after the reunion dates.
Be sure to download and fill-out the registration form and mail to your coordinator with the necessary fees.
All members staying at the hotel will receive a free breakfast each morning.
You can also "Click" on the photo on the right to to to the reunion hotel's website for more information.
The Clay Cooper Country Music Express show features talented performers who showcase a variety of musicians who, including bass playing, dancing, country gospel, vocals, showmanship and more, provide an amazing music show experience. The whole family will enjoy the production, especially if you have a craving for a variety of music hits or one of the best things to do in the Branson area.
A live band and live music on the stage helps to create one of the most unforgettable shows of the year, so do not miss out on this awesome time. Housed in the Clay Cooper Branson Theatre, a troupe of 24 seasoned entertainers brings a high-energy variety show that will have the whole audience tapping their toes, laughing and singing along to the music. Featured performers include a group of 11 dancers; and Colt and Caden Cooper, Clay's sons, who are beginning to follow in their father's footsteps. Plus, you will not find side splitting comedy and spot-on impersonations with anyone besides the talented comedian Matt Gumm. This show features patriotic songs, rock n roll, classic country rock, and other live music backed by a talented band who truly take pride in performing awesome Clay Cooper songs for Branson.
Make your plans for this October to enjoy the Midwest and our Fall colors.
Be sure to bring your significant other along to enjoy the camaraderie
with your shipmates and their wives.
You have shipmates and friends that would enjoy
spending time with you again.
Our next visit to Branson should be as entertaining as our previous visits. Branson is the most welcoming city to our veterans
Check out this great video
Copyright © 2019 USS Monticello LSD 35 Reunion Group- All Rights Reserved.
Created and maintained by Bob (Beamer) Behm former BM3, 'USS MONTICELLO 1969-1971